Category Articles

Articles about mythical creatures.


The Nachzehrer is a mythical creature in German and Bavarian folklore, particularly associated with the region of Franconia. It is often considered a type of revenant or a specific kind of vampire. The name “Nachzehrer” can be translated from German…

Red Cap Mythical Creatures

The red cap creatures

The term “Red Cap” is often associated with a mythical creature in Scottish folklore. A Red Cap Mythical Creatures is said to be a malevolent and supernatural being that inhabits old ruins, particularly those with a history of violence. These…

Asmodeus in Bible


Overcoming Asmodeus  Asmodeus, a figure primarily introduced in the Book of Tobit within the Bible, plays a central role in the narrative, centered around inflicting harm upon Sarah’s husbands. This biblical text, categorized as part of the Deuterocanonical or Apocryphal…